How Does Google Feel about Pets?

If you’re one of those people who experiences some degree of separation anxiety when apart from your dog, working for a canine-friendly company like Ben & Jerry’s or Google would be ideal. After all, research has repeatedly shown that pets can provide social support and help reduce stress.

Google has even codified the take-your-dog-to-work policy in its Code of Conduct. Declaring itself a "dog company,” Google asks dog owners to follow certain rules, and respect the fact that some employees may have allergies or other aversions to their colleagues' dogs (affectionately known as "Dooglers").

Google's policies aren't nearly so accommodating if you happen to be a cat person. In its Code of Conduct, Google says that the company likes cats, but they’re not welcome at work, since the stress may be too much for them.

No hounds from hell:

  • Google hasn't completely gone to the dogs, however. Google employees still need to get managerial approval to bring their pups to work.

  • To punch in at work, dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated, and must be supervised at all times. Dooglers are not allowed in bathrooms, break areas, the cafe, in meetings, or on the sand volleyball court.

  • Employees are responsible for any dog-related damage or clean-up. Aggressive behavior and/or more than one “accident” at work will end the privilege.

More Info: Google

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