How Are Elderly Family Members Treated in China?

By 2045, China will be home to an estimated 350 million senior citizens -- but they won't be on their own, at least according to a national law that went into effect in 2013. With the passage of the law, entitled “Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People,” the Chinese government mandated that the adult children of people over 60 must visit their aging parents and attend to their "spiritual needs." The law was quickly met with criticism and ridicule, at least partly because it doesn't specify how frequently such visits are required. But proponents say that, if nothing else, it reminds the younger generation to respect and honor their elders -- something that has long been ingrained in Chinese society. It also opens the door to possible lawsuits against neglectful children, with penalties ranging from fines to jail time.

Crime and punishment in China:

  • China executes more people per year than the rest of the world combined.
  • No homeowner in China owns the lands on which his or her house sits; it belongs to the government.
  • In many cases, you must obtain a ticket to see a doctor in China, but tickets are given out daily and routinely snatched up by scalpers.
More Info: BBC News

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